Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Therapy day

One of the most humiliating experiences with my depression was agreeing to see a psychiatrist. I felt so useless that I needed a 'head-wrecker' to help me - it grated harshly against my proud independent nature. I am still not 100% convinced of the therapeutic benefit as counsellor but my psychiatrist is a critical part of the team that supports me. If nothing else he is an expert with daily experience of seeing the mentally ill and his reflections and assessments of my situation are a key part of the information and therapeutic process aimed at getting me back on my feet.

Anyway, today I see my psych. It's a follow up on an 'emergency' appointment from a couple of weeks ago when I was in the depths of an acute depressive episode that lasted about 4 weeks (fyi - the worst of it lasted 1-2 weeks and it was in this period that I saw the psych). I can at least report that I am stable although sleepless. I might try and talk about juggling the medication a little - perhaps increasing a dose.


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