Thursday, November 25, 2004

Humiliation - next time

The upshot of my last post's query has been that I took my meds late and suffered. I was brazenly active again on the Sunday morning and afternoon and only suffered a slow Monday morning. I have been back in the swing all this week - being the real Mr. Mum at home, looking after my daughter, meeting a work deadline, and partying with family and friends over the last two nights (going away party for a mate on Tuesday and a Family birthday party last night). Things are starting to look reasonably optimistic!

Having had good health over much of the last week I am beginning to wonder if I am ever going to be depressed enough again to have enforced time out with little to do but read and write. However I am sure I will push the limit and feel the wrath of this disease some time soon if it doesn't just cycle back and floor me regardlessly.

Since Sunday I have tried to log on here three times to update my blog with reflections on my humiliations in depression but blogger has been out of order at those times. I actually wrote a short entry introducing my humiliating experiences but the blog gremlins despatched of this without a trace. Even today I have been trying to get on for an hour only getting the error message (and I only just thought about writing it in MS word and pasting it later). Oh well, I soon hope to write my trilogy on humiliation as this was a big shock to the system several times throught my depression. I might even try later today when my little girl's sleeping.


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